retourSociety : The City of Wonders in the Kethaelan government
Article Card:
Title:The City of Wonders in the Kethaelan government
Created on:2004-01-21 at 22:29
Created by:Eliane Jaulmes
Modified on:2004-01-21 at 22:29
Modified by:Eliane Jaulmes
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Abstract:The City of Wonders if the centre of the Pharaoh's government and cult. There lives the God-King most of the time.
Contributors:Philippe Sigaud (author), Eliane Jaulmes (author), Donald Oddy (proofreader), Jörg Baumgartner (proofreader), Philippe Sigaud (translator), Eliane Jaulmes (translator)
Subjects:City of Wonders, Holy Country
Keywords:ambassador, ambassy, archive, Belintar, Chamber of Representatives, chamberlain, Choralinthor, City of Wonders, God-King, government, Grazelands, Great Priest, Holy Country, Korenth, Pharaoh, Pharaoh's cult, prophecy, Quimpolic League, representative, Sartar, Seshnela, Sixfold Palace, Tarsh, Teshnos
See also:The God-King in the Kethaelan political life(46%), Key political figures in the City of Wonders(46%), A few key figures of the Pharaoh's cult(42%), The Pharaoh's cult(38%), The representatives(38%), The Tournament of Masters of Luck and Death(33%), The Hexarchs(33%), The secrets of Kethaela(29%), The Holy Country political organization(29%), The Pharaoh's nature(25%)
Appears in:-
City of Wonders
City of WondersThe City of Wonders in the Kethaelan governmentCity of Wonders

Belintar rarely travels. He only leaves the Sixfold Palace to accomplish the various magical ceremonies in the Sixths (see the section on magical ceremonies). The rest of the time, he lives in the City of Wonders, built to his glory and to awaken admiration and respect: a city-sized throne with 10,000 subjects at his feet.

The City of Wonders is the magical, political and administrative centre of Kethaela (see the article on this subject). It was built according to a prophecy. Fulfilling a prophecy, Belintar raised the magical Loon Island at the centre of the Bay with magics from Korenth and Choralinthor and erected an unparalleled city (see the section on the magical ceremonies and the heroquests done during a Tournament of Masters of Luck and Death). It is the seat of his government and welcomes representatives from the Holy Country and ambassadors from neighbouring lands.

In the centre of the city stands the Sixfold Palace, so called because it is made of six wings, each built according to the architectural style of one Sixth. The God-King lives in the different wings of the palace according to the current Season, in sumptuous suites. There is only one throne room which can receive hundreds of guests, where the God-King holds his public audiences.

The palace is peopled with scribes, cooks, servants, grooms, guards, doctors, etc. It is known that any member of the Pharaoh's cult visiting the City of Wonders may have a room in the palace if he asks for one. Some of the key figures of the cult, such as the chamberlain or the High Priest, live there permanently. There are also temporary guests: wise men, sorcerers, artists, merchants, poets, skalds, etc. The Pharaoh's cult archives and the treasure room are in the palace, too.

All the foreign embassies are in the City of Wonders, generally in the Central District, not far from the Sixfold Palace (and from the Pharaoh). There are, among others, the proud embassy of Sartar, a representative from the Grazers, the languorous embassy of Teshnos, the lunar embassy of Tarsh, the clerk of the Quimpolic League and the royal embassy of Seshnela.

The Chamber of Representatives is a few paces away from the palace. This great circular building can hold several hundred people. The representatives sit and debate on velvet cushions and benches made of precious wood. The speaker stands at the centre of the huge room. In the gallery around the room, a space with stone benches is provided for the public, so that citizens may listen to the discussions. At the top, a circular balcony overhangs the room, where stand passing visitors and guards.

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