retourReligion : The magical ceremonies of the Pharaoh's cult
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Title:The magical ceremonies of the Pharaoh's cult
Created on:2004-02-11 at 11:59
Created by:Eliane Jaulmes
Modified on:2004-02-11 at 11:59
Modified by:Eliane Jaulmes
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Abstract:The sacred days of the Pharaoh's cult.
Contributors:Philippe Sigaud (author), Eliane Jaulmes (author), Jörg Baumgartner (proofreader), Philippe Sigaud (translator), Eliane Jaulmes (translator)
Subjects:Pharaoh's cult, religion
Keywords:alynx, Andrin, Bad Priests, bank, Belintar, Big Boss, Caladraland, Casino, ceremony, Choralinthor Bay, Debt, earldom, Esrolia, Ezkankekko, God-King, gorp, Heortland, hexarch, Karse, Kingdom of Night, Korenth, Lead Beast, Leftarm Islands, lover, Mirrorsea, Newtling, Orlanth, Pharaoh, Pharaoh's cult, queen, Refuge, religion, Rhigos, Rightarm Islands, Sacred Cranes Island, sacred day, Shadow Plateau, Son of the Volcano, Talar, tribe, Year Son, Zoo, Zoo Island
See also:The Tournament of Masters of Luck and Death(56%), The Holy Country political organization(49%), The Pharaoh's cult(47%), A few key figures of the Pharaoh's cult(44%), The secrets of Kethaela(35%), Landmarks in the Shadow Plateau(35%), The Hexarchs(35%), Key political figures in the City of Wonders(30%), The Shadow Plateau history(30%), Magic available to the Pharaoh's worshippers(26%)
Appears in:-
City of Wonders
City of WondersThe magical ceremonies of the Pharaoh's cultCity of Wonders

They take place at each season for the 'elemental' ceremonies and at a variable date for the Leftarm Islands ceremony. At each sacred day, a great official ceremony takes place in the associated Sixth. The main role is held by Belintar himself. Other parallel ceremonies of less importance and significance are performed in the other Sixths at the same time. The role of the Pharaoh is in these cases held by an hexarch or, more generally, a member of the Pharaoh's cult.

At each ceremony, the participants, God-King included, reenact the events leading to the creation of the Holy Country. The ceremonies are intense and magical, but cannot be compared to those taking place during a Tournament of Masters of Luck and Death (see the section on the Tournament), when champions help the Pharaoh in a heroquest of Kethaelan scale.

Besides the 'elemental' ceremonies, there are various little local ceremonies, explaining how the God-King became the supreme ruler : in Karse, in Rhigos, in Refuge, in Frog Island, among the alynxes, etc. There are also rumours about secret ceremonies on Zoo Island and on the Island of the sacred Guardian Cranes.

- Purified Bay Day.
Sea Season, Harmony Week, Water Day. Where Belintar saved the waters of Choralinthor Bay from the terrible Black Gorp and showed to the islands people the power of Fire.

- Son of Volcano Day (Sacrifice Day).
Fire Season, Harmony Week, Fire Day. Where Belintar proved he was the Son of Caladra by throwing himself into the flames and emerging unscathed from the lava, burning the False Priests who smothered the Volcano.

- Queens Lover Day.
Earth Season, Harmony Week, Clay Day. Where Belintar became in one night the lover of all Esrolian queens and showed he was now the one and only Year Son, forever.

- Big Boss Day.
Dark Season, Harmony Week, Freeze Day. Where Belintar killed the Leaden Serpent and vanquished the Only Old One, proving to Uz he was the Big Boss and ending Ezkankekko's Kingdom of Night.

- New King Day.
Storm Season, Harmony Week, Winds Day. Where Belintar killed Andrin, then saw his error (as Orlanth did) and brought him back to life (as Orlanth did), unifying the tribes and earldoms under his authority.

- Dice Day.
The date is determined with sacred dices during Sacred Time. This ceremony can be anywhere during the year. It is called Tax Day by the Talars of Leftarm Islands. It commemorates the time when Belintar broke the bank in Casino, obtained the allegiance of all Talars of the Leftarm Islands and forced them to refund the Debt.

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