retourGenerality : Presentation of the Pelaskites of the Rightarm Islands
Article Card:
Title:Presentation of the Pelaskites of the Rightarm Islands
Created on:2004-03-15 at 10:43
Created by:Eliane Jaulmes
Modified on:2004-03-15 at 10:43
Modified by:Eliane Jaulmes
Credits :
Abstract:A brief description of the inhabitants of the Rightarm Islands.
Contributors:Jérôme Blondel (author), Jean-Michel Armand (proofreader), Philippe Sigaud (proofreader), Edern Rio (proofreader), Eliane Jaulmes (translator)
Subjects:generalities, Rightarm Islands
Keywords:culture, Esrola, fishing, generalities, God Forgot Islands, Heortland, Leftarm Islands, ludoch, marsh, Pelaskite, Rightarm Islands
See also:Trade and Exchange in the Rightarm Islands(36%), Relations between the Shadow Plateau and the other Sixths(36%), The secrets of Kethaela(36%), The Ludoch's place in the Pelaskite society(36%), The Shadow Plateau history(36%), The Admiral and the Priestess in the Rightarm Islands(36%), Fishing and Picking in the Rightarm Islands(36%), The Holy Country political organization(27%), The Hexarchs(27%), Key political figures in the City of Wonders(27%)
Appears in:-
Rightarm Islands
Rightarm IslandsPresentation of the Pelaskites of the Rightarm IslandsRightarm Islands

People of the Rightarm Islands call themselves the Pelaskites. Sheltered in the marshes, their culture developed differently from the Pelaskites living on the coasts of Heortland, or from the Pelaskites among the God Forgot Islands (who lost their originate culture a long time ago, even if those two peoples, dire enemies since the disappearance of the Pharaoh, sometimes acknowledge some common points). The Pelaskites of the Rightarm Islands are famous for their seamanship, for the products of their fishing and the shellfishes they sell, for their bond with the Ludoch, and for their love of contradiction. Few details are known in the outside world of the life in the nauseating marshes of Esrola's putrefied arm.

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