retourReligion : The Other Side: the world of Lynkha
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Title:The Other Side: the world of Lynkha
Created on:2004-03-15 at 10:43
Created by:Eliane Jaulmes
Modified on:2004-03-15 at 10:43
Modified by:Eliane Jaulmes
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Abstract:The Otherworld of the Esrolian goddess Lynkha and the life after death for her devotees. This article also explains the sacred value of certain geometrical forms.
Contributors:Eliane Jaulmes (author), Philippe Sigaud (proofreader), Edern Rio (proofreader), Eliane Jaulmes (translator)
Subjects:Esrolia, Lynkha, Other Side, religion
Keywords:death, door, equation, Esrolia, geometry, God-King, Lhankor Mhy, Lynkha, myth, Other Side, perfect form, Pharaoh, Priestess, religion, symbol, Tournament of Masters of Luck and Death
See also:Mythology of Lynkha(38%), The Tournament of Masters of Luck and Death(31%), The place of Lynkha's cult in the Esrolian society(31%), Playing a devotee of Lynkha (Magic keyword)(31%), Key political figures in the City of Wonders(25%), The Pharaoh's nature(25%), The magical ceremonies of the Pharaoh's cult(25%), The secrets of Kethaela(25%), The Pharaoh's cult(25%), A few key figures of the Pharaoh's cult(25%)
Appears in:-
EsroliaThe Other Side: the world of LynkhaEsrolia

What does the Other Side look like?

Lynkha has a small cottage in a vast plain under the stars but she only rarely dwells there. She is always visiting friends or studying some strange natural phenomenon. Lynkha's house has several doors: some huge, some small, squared or round ones, other with still stranger forms. Some are made of wood, others are made of stone, a few are a simple cloth veil or only a dark opening. Some are seen from far away and other are well hidden. Strangely enough, the interior of the house changed according to the door chosen to enter it. Each door corresponds to one of the mathematical symbol of Lynkha. When exploring this labyrinth of doors and houses and learning to follow the logical chain of doors, the young initiate will become a seasoned devotee. One day, he will found the Door of Logic and will look upon the Empty Plains of Reason. He will try to discover the secret of Lynkha. A few are successful, but most fall back on the flat ideas of her father Lhankor Mhy. Alas for them, but Lynkha's way is difficult and solitary and only one who fully understand the goddess' teaching can find the Door.

A note on the geometrical forms.
Esrolians have discovered that there exist only five perfect forms, intrinsically related to the five elements of Glorantha.

* The 4 faces pyramid (d4): Fire (the purest of the elements).
* The 6 faces cube (d6): Earth (the most stable of the elements).
* The 8 faces octahedron (d8): Air (in the middle, between the others, as air is between all things, it has pointed ends as fire and a square base as earth: it is truly the son of fire and earth).
* The 12 faces dodecahedron (d12): Darkness (the only form with five-edged faces: he contains all the others, as darkness do. It is also a strange and secret element, as darkness are).
* The 20 faces icosahedron (d20): Water (with many edges, as water: the most adaptable of the elements).

Life after death.
After their death, Lynkha's worshippers live in the world they created during their life. Most of the devotees spend their afterlife solving equations in a small house full of doors, at the foot of Lhnakor Mhy's ivory tower. At least one heroquester is known to have followed Lynkha's teaching quite literarily and created her own experimental world, based on new postulates, where she went after her death. It is said that those who ventured into her world can walk in a straight line and still come back to their starting point. She was a Champion of the Master of Luck and Death Tournament who learned many secrets from the Pharaoh's own mouth[1] and discovered the source of his power in the City of Wonders. Soon after Pharaoh's disappearance, the experimental world (which was not very big but still quite cute) became unreachable, even from the Internal Temple of Lynkha's house. People wonder if it completely disappeared or if there is still a way to reach it. Maybe it will be back the day the Pharaoh also will.

[1] Do not pay too much attention to this denomination for in the Holy Country, it is given to all well-known and successful heroquester. This can be quite disheartening for the true Champions. Still, Pharaoh's influence can be found here and there in Lynkha's cult. It is said the Pharaoh himself was interested in this cult and had some discussions with a few great priestesses. But it is nowhere said who won such verbal jousts, which were certainly worth of interest.

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