retourHeroWars/HeroQuest : Playing a devotee of Lynkha (Magic keyword)
Article Card:
Title:Playing a devotee of Lynkha (Magic keyword)
Created on:2004-03-15 at 10:43
Created by:Eliane Jaulmes
Modified on:2004-03-15 at 10:43
Modified by:Eliane Jaulmes
Credits :
Abstract:The cult keyword of Lynkha, Esrolian goddess of philosophy.
Contributors:Eliane Jaulmes (author), Philippe Sigaud (proofreader), Edern Rio (proofreader), Eliane Jaulmes (translator)
Subjects:Esrolia, heroquest, Lynkha, religion
Keywords:critical mind, equation, Esrolia, heroquest, knowledge, logic, Lynkha, magic, mathematics, Other Side, otherworld, philosophy, reasoning, religion, wisdom
See also:The organisation of Lynkha's cult(60%), The place of Lynkha's cult in the Esrolian society(53%), Mythology of Lynkha(53%), The Other Side: the world of Lynkha(33%), The Bird Tracks(20%), The Holy Country political organization(20%), The Tournament of Masters of Luck and Death(20%), The Pharaoh's cult(20%), The secrets of Kethaela(20%), Landmarks in the Shadow Plateau(13%)
Appears in:-
EsroliaPlaying a devotee of Lynkha (Magic keyword)Esrolia

Physical Abilities: Make her Voice Carry, Speak for Hours, Speech

Mental Abilities: Philosophy, Know Other, Logic, Geometry, Counsel, Sooth Someone, Convince, Mythology of Lynkha

Virtues: Wisdom, Curiosity, Tolerance, Critical Mind.


Philosophy [Prove Lhankor Mhy he's Wrong, Free Thought, Ask the Good Question, Logical Thought, Protect the Mind]

Knowledge [Understand the Difference, Study Event, Learn from Other, Find Answer, Perfect Memory, Reconstitute Document]

Logic and Mathematics [Understand Space, Understand Signs, Mathematical Writings, Square the Circle, Logical Deduction]

(Note: Lynkha's rune looks like her father's, with an horizontal bar across the 'beard'. In fact, we use the HQ Man rune turned upside down)

Sacred Days:

Sea Season: Day of Thoughts (Gods/Truth)
Fire Season: Day of Understanding (Gods/Truth)
Earth Season: Day of Logic (Gods/Truth)
Dark Season: Day of the Outside World (Gods/Truth)
Storm Season: Day of Wisdom (Gods/Truth)
Sacred Time: Day of Life (Gods/Destiny)

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