retour Holy Country
The Pharaoh: the cult of Belintar, the Pharaoh, God-King, immortal sovereign of Kethaela and the Kethaelan government under his rule.

retour Caladraland
The origins of chameleons: a Caladran legend on the origins of these strange lizards.

Mukoro the Life-Stealer: a Caladran legend about a great hunter of the rainforest.

retour Shadow Plateau
The Shadow Plateau: a description of the Shadow Plateau during and just after Belintar's time. Geography, history, landmarks, society, etc.

retour Rightarm Islands
The life in the Rightarm Islands: a description of the inhabitants of the Rightarm Islands: their customs, their culture, their everyday life and their government.

retour Leftarm Islands
retour Esrolia
The cult of Lynkha: Lynkha is the goddess of philosophy, a daughter of Lhankor Mhy worshipped mainly in Esrolia. This article presents the cult, its place in the Esrolian society, legends of the goddess' achievements and the magic keywords.

retour Just Outside the Holy Country

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